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Sunday, December 1, 2013

10 things I know to be true

Sarah Kay: amazing, inspirational, creative, AND amazing. 

If I Should Have A Daughter, Sarah's TedTalk is the one that got me hooked. As a spoken word poet, Sarah has a way with words that I can only dream of ever having. She stands up there and lays it out so that no matter who you are you can relate, not only can you relate, but laying in your bed late at night you want to stand up, clap and cheer. She's that kind of speaker. 

With lines like, "I would recognize you anywhere by the hiccup in your swagger." you can't help but want to hear more. 

But one of the most influential bits from her videos was from that first time when I listened to her speak in If I Should Have A Daughter. She explained that one of the ways she gets her students to write poems is to have them make a list of the 10 things they know to be true. The list shouldn't be something they have to thing about too much and should be written down pretty quickly. So here's the 10 things I know to be true. 

1. I am procrastinating writing my Forensic paper FAR too long and it's going to bite me in the ass later tonight. 

2. People should travel, the only way to understand the world is to see it with you're own eyes. And traveling alone, at least once, is the best. 

3. Loving someone is not always enough, doesn't always make it good for you, and isn't always something that will last forever. 

4. There is something calling me, deep down, and I need to go or I will always wonder. 

5. My need for a bigger and better adventure is going to get me in trouble some day. 

6. I want to find someone that wants to go on every single adventure with me and know about every one they've already missed. The likelihood of that person living in Crested Butte seems pretty dismal today. 

7. A million little pieces is not really enough to explain a person, I think we are each a million little pieces multiplied by however many people we have ever let influence us (positively or negatively) and the million pieces that make them up as well. 

8. There is a need for more time to watch sunrises and sunsets, listen to Tom Petty, and dance with someone in the kitchen. It does more good for a person than drinking or drugs and cost less. 

9. People, in general, are good natured, it's the things they come to know and hard facts they have come to face that change them. 

10. Childhood is something that should never disappear. There is a Peter Pan in all of us that is screaming to get out. Let it. Go ice skating in a disco outfit. 

These are the ten essential Jes-isms, they make me me or at least who I want to be...

Sarah goes on to say that on this list that someone has one thing the same as is on your list, someone else has something completely different, someone has something completely new to you, and someone has something you thought you knew all about but looks at it differently. So what's your list?


  1. Ok, 10 things I know to be true... here we go!

    1. Like Jes, procrastinating is one of my few talents.

    2. To many people form opinions by simply watching the news or something instead of experiencing it for themselves or researching it to form their own opinion. STOP BEING BRAIN WASHED! Stop being told what to do and how to think! (This partly ties into what Jes mentioned about traveling. To many people are to scared to see what the world has to offer because of the false dangers and lies society has fed them.)

    3. To many people have a false sense of entitlement and it's making the world a worse place to live in. It's a plague of laziness that gets worse and worse every year. People don't know how to work hard anymore, and they expect everything to be all about them. This is especially true with young people. To many young people expect things for no reason. If you want something, go get it! No one is going to just give you a job just because you're Joe Schmoe. No one is going to just hand you money!

    4. I'm hungry (I'm always hungry)

    5. People care way to much what others think of them, as a result they become sheep.

    6. I'd rather follow my own corky path rather than the typical path society tells us to follow.

    7. To hate is easier than it is to love. (It took me a long time to understand that.)

    8. To be judgmental is to be human. Everyone is judgmental, but what is judge changes from person to person. I prefer to judge what a person brings to the table, morality, and ethics, not by their appearance or finances. For that I am not ashamed to say I am probably the most judgmental person you will ever meet.

    9. I just ate so I'm not hungry anymore :)

    10. THE WORLD IS NOT FLAT!!!!!!

    Those are ten things I know to be true, enjoy :).

  2. 10 things that i know in my heart to be more than True especially #9!!
    1. Beer is good
    2. Wisdom is discovered through experience not through books
    3. Eat when your hungry and Sleep when your tired
    4. Finals week sucks
    5. The mountains is where people go to find themselves, Cities are where people go to apply what they have found.
    6. Love your friends like family and that is what they become
    7. Do what you want. There is no way to be happy if you always do what your told.
    8. Support your home team
    9. Nobody's home team is as good as the Broncos!
    10. Love yourself

    Cheers! Life is supposed to be fun, so if its not your doing it wrong!
