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Saturday, January 18, 2014


Moving to Crested Butte is one of those things that changes a lot about a persons life.

Most people will tell you it changes the way you see the world, your lifestyle, how you drive, how often you need coffee, and what you do for fun. CB has a way of making people look in the mirror and see all the things they like and they don't like about themselves and the ways they have been living. What people wont tell you is that off season....when the tourists are all gone, work gets slow, and the weather is the less than the spectacular usual, people tend to add to the list of dislikes.

Spring off season is a lot colder, much slower, and longer than the off season before it and I wanted to make sure that when I looked in the mirror I didn't have to make any excuses. Instead, I decided (key word here!) that January could be a month for starting my year off right. With Spring semester starting it was important for me to have a clear head to get moving in my classes and start making the decisions I needed to with graduation looming closer every day. I needed more energy, more time, and more money.

 Let me tell you-I've found the answer! For the month of January, and much to Mikey's dismay maybe for some degree of permanency, I'm not drinking. Apparently such a lifestyle change is shocking to the good people of Crested Butte and I'm often told, "So just beer right?" or "Just drinking on the weekends then?" Nope, it's cold turkey, as in Shirley Temples and H2O. I've recently been told to call my "big decision" Drynuary. But in all honestly it's easier to ask for a lime, the same cup as everyone else and pretend nothing is happening. Easier said than done with bartender boyfriend.

Enjoy the sunshine while it last! I have a feeling that the January weather we have all been waiting for is just around the corner...

1 comment:

  1. Good for you! I did OctSober- granted I didn't make it the whole month but was great to be sober for 24 days! I'm trying to lay off the booze a bit too so if you want to do some non-boozy things together I'm here :-) Good luck!

    - Katie H.
