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Sunday, January 19, 2014

My Words of "Wisdom"

Today I was asked for advice regarding some love life issues. HA! This is probably the first time in my life I felt I could actually give something worth listening to.

I told her what I wish I'd been told a year ago, well 10 years ago. Maybe someone telling me the same thing would have sunk in, made me question things, pushed me to make different choices, but in all likely hood-we all know I probably would have done everything in my power (like she will probably do as well) to forget or ignore every bit of instruction I was given.

What I told her was pretty be classy. Oh wait! Someone did tell me that, shoot!

I told her that if she was making excuses for him and things didn't seem right, they probably weren't. But when in doubt, and big shout out here to Miss Cynthia Hoff,  put Breakfast at Tiffany's on the TV, embrace Audrey Hepburn, and run the tub. Right now if you are thinking: Dammit, this is me... Pick out your favorite nail polish, find that old face mask you probably forgot you even had, shave your legs, buy a Cosmo, and for god's sake lose the phone. Do all the the things you never have time to do. Be busy!

The worst thing you can do when things aren't working out is to continue to try and make them. If he's worth it, he'll call. Sometimes it's better to forget your inner Feminist, just lock her in the closet for awhile. There's something to be said about being unavailable and just (foreign concept here) waiting. When you push it usually results directly with pushing away on the other side. In the age of technology it's too easy to throw yourself under the bus...just one little text, an accidental phone call maybe, or quick "Hey, what's up?" on Facebook. STOP! STOP! STOP! Holly Golightly didn't have a cell phone or profile, she didn't even answer her house phone. Pretend you don't either!

This morning I got ready while Superman cooked me breakfast, the car was already warm, and he even opened the door after we got coffee. He will tell any girl the same thing: if you're paying for dinner, calling him first or putting an ounce more in than he is-you're doing it wrong.

Why, why, why did I not learn my lesson sooner? Agggghhhhh! With that, good luck ladies, you've got to go through a lot of frogs to find a prince and in todays day and age-he's either gay or married.

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